Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Crazy Night

So last night I am upstairs trying to get a head start on my school work, I am reading and I am focused aside for checking my Facebook every other minute, but anyhow, there is a knock at the door and I continue reading because Gene is downstairs. So he opens the door and I hear two voices a man and a women of a certain age. They begin talking and Gene interrupts them to ask me to join the conversation. At this time, I am a little annoyed because I was really trying to get a head start on my studies so I told him along with his guests that I was not dress for company. So the lady began to talk and I am kind of listening and what she was saying kind of grabbed my attention, so I decided to put on a robe and head downstairs. There goes my head start on the schoolwork. Well anyway, Prior to the knock on the door, Gene had moved the car off the side street to put it in the driveway, after doing that, he came across a young man they exchange a few salutations and he continue back towards the house. I guess after a few minutes that's when the knock came at the door. To my surprise, the gentleman Gene was just speaking with was the young man accompanied by the lady. They came in telling us how they are about to do a big production for this upcoming fall (similar to the Tyler Perry stage plays) and they are looking for a leading man to play the roll of Toni. They say Gene fits the description of this guy Toni and would like him to come to an audition at Finley Rec center in West oak Lane this Thursday or Tuesday. They had all the credentials with them to show they were serious about their play, business cards, flyers for opened auditions, etc. I was quite blown away but excited at the same time. We spent a good half-hour talking with them about where they see their vision going and how God works at putting people together. Gene said he would give it a try, after giving a lengthy speech that made our guests think he was a minister, and the lady asked me to help prep him for the audition. After our guests left, we talked about how God could possibly use him through this. I don't know, we both did not believe in coincidence but rather divine appointment. So even if Gene does not get the part maybe this may open up a new avenue for him to explore that he never even thought was possible.


  1. You know I'm all for him giving it a try. This is an opportunity that showed up at your doorstep, so it's worth checking into it.

  2. WOW! Go for it Gene! Dawn get the preppin'!

  3. Soooooo???? What Happened?? How did the audition go?? You can't just leave us hanging. That's rule #1 of Blogging - You gotta post a Follow-Up!
