Sunday, May 31, 2009

This past week..

This past week was something. First I got a free week of no school which kind of made the week go by even faster. But lets start from the top, on Monday, Vanna and I, went to a BBQ where we were able to catch up with old friends and it was so nice to spend time with them. It makes me miss the old times and the fun we all use to have. Then on Tuesday it was back to work, but my girls Vanna and Deja, were both home sick with fevers. It was horrible because it was little I could do for them to make them feel comfortable. I made sure they got plenty of fluids and of course, tyenol fever reducer. Wednesday, I can't remember what happened but I was so excited because Thursday Tricia (not Sister Pat) hehehehe, we went to a yoga class. It was my first time and boy, what an experience. I mean, I literally wanted to quit like 10 times. I always thought yoga was easy. I thought you just stood there and held your balance you know, like in the tree position.. Well , let me tell you it is not that simple. All and all, I didn't quit because no one else But when we were finished I tell you my body felt so light, so empty that I immediately wanted to eat.. It was very refreshing and I think I will continue with Sister Pat oops I mean Tricia in our journey through yoga class. Friday was my day off and I spent it at home with my girls who was feeling better, but I still didn't feel comfortable sending them off to school as they were still hacking. So on to Saturday, my friend, Lisa came over and she just moved far away out Landsdowne and she wanted to go get a few odds and ins for her place so I went with her to like 4 stores. She is a shopper and I am the complete opposite, so why I signed up to go shopping with her I don't know, but we always have a great time when we are out together. Now onto today, Sunday, I didn't do anything. My husband came home and told me the engine light came on in our car so of course now I am all worrying especially since we just replaced the engine back in April.. I told him to call the mechanic who fixed the car and have him look at it. Since I didn't feel like breaking down anywhere I decided to just stay in the house. Good news, He just hung up with the mechanic and he told him to bring it in today. I know right on a Sunday, but Amen anyhow!! Lord willing, there is nothing wrong with the car or at least nothing major.

I know my week doesn't sound like much but I felt like writing and getting it all out. Who knows lets see what my next week may bring. Maybe someone reading this has some encouraging words that I may need to hear. If you are reading this and feel compelled to leave a comment by all means please do so. I would love to read what you think.


Count it all Joy!!


  1. What a week!!!
    You left the encouraging words...
    Count It All JOY!!!

  2. You spoke of me, that was encouraging enough... (LOL) Lansdowne is not far, it's around the corner from your house... HAHAHAHA..

    Anyway, I'm tired and don't feel like working, but I have to inorder to get through this day...
