Friday, April 9, 2010

Citation at 7:30 in the a.m.

There is nothing quite like seeing the flashing lights in your rear-view mirror first thing while you're rushing to get to work.. Okay, so immediately I pull over to the side. The Officer gets out his car and mumbles "License and register please." I had already begun fumbling through my purse for the following items. I then find everything requested and hand it to the officer. He proceeds back to his vehicle. 2 minutes later another squad car pulls up. Wow, I didn't know a 100 pound women with two kids in the back seems so threatening. Oh did I add he never stated why he pulled me over in the first place. Well thank God for bluetooths, I was able to talk on the phone while I waited because you know the two officers began to have their on conversations that consisted of laughing. Sidebar- I don't know why they think we got all day to sit in a car and wait patiently for them to really do their jobs. So I decided that since they are enjoying each other's company, that I should call my work and let them know I will be running late for work. Yes I hate being late! Then I called my husband and my dad. After I hung up with everyone the police officers decided to do their job again and proceed back to my car. What I thought was so entertaining was one officer stood on the passenger side, kind of near the rear doors, holding his guns as if he was ready to pulled them out if needed be and the other officer approached my window to tell me why he was giving me a citation at 7:30 in the morning. Oh and I hadn't drank of cup of coffee yet so I roll my window back down and he says I got a ticket for being in a left turn only lane and proceeding to go straight and he also states that I can fight it if I like. If he felt that way why even give me the ticket in the first place. All in all, this screwed up my morning and I am trying to get back to that happy place. Lord please allow me to move forward and have a productive day without bringing others down. So I decided that in all fairness I am going to fight this ticket. First of all, its too early in the morning for these type of shenanigans. Now I sip on my coffee and try to have a good rest of the day.


  1. Wow! That would've drove me CRAZYYYY!! and Yes, I would go down to court and Fight it..just because....

    Two days after Septemebter 11 I was coming from work in Jersey, and was driving over the Ben Franklin Bridge. Apparantley I was speeding, and had gotten pulled over at the base of the bridge. I rolled my window down just enough to slide out the required documents, and I refused to turn down my radio. um, I don't realy care for Cops too much, I really think they abuse their "power"... But I fought the ticket and explained to the judge that I was "driving with the flow of traffic", my ticket and the fine was thrown out. When asked why I refused to sign the ticket I told the judge that "I did... I signed an X", he just looked at me like I was crazy...

    I am the absolute WORST when it comes to getting pulled over... I just pray that I don't call the wrong cop a wrong name and end up on CNN getting my behind beat by 10 angry because I know how I respond to cops (because of my lack of respect for Authority) I just play it safe...atleast when there are cops around..

  2. When I get in situation like this (which happened a few months back!), I always ask "What's the lesson to be learned here?". So, I challenge you to ask God, what was He trying to accomplish? Who knows. It could have been a pop quiz to check in on your attitude...
    No matter what, God keeps watch over it all.
