Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Lord will provide the Dance!

So this past weekend my husband and I took our kids to Calvary Assembly for service. We had such a wonderful time in the Lord. Some point through the service a praise dancer came out and as she began to prepare for the dance my heart began to race. It took me back to my dancing days at Calvary Baptist as well as outside of Calvary with good friends and then to PBF dance ministry. The zeal for dancing has never left my side.

Well for the past couple of days, I have been thinking of a song that God placed on my heart and I can feel the dance inside me. However, I immediately get scared thinking of doing this dance by myself. What if I look stiff, or what if I look like I don’t know what I am doing, or worse what if I just look plain stupid. Then I recalled that this ain’t about ME!!! I had to keep telling myself that. The song “Already here” by Brian Courtney Wilson is such a powerful song that I know would speak to others.

Each day we all go through stuff in our life and we become so dependant on our own strength to fix the problem and put our God right on that self while we just try to figure it out on our own. That is not what he wants us to do. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.”

Now back to this dancing thing, I don’t know what the Lord wants me to do, who to do this dance with or even what moves to do. However, I know my God is able to provide all of those answers. The funny thing about service on Sunday, as I was talking with one of the hospitality members I told her how I really enjoyed the dance selection and told her that I used to do dance at my former churches. She told me that the dancer was a guest at the church and that she would love to see me minister to dance. Now wait, I don’t know if that was an outlet from the Lord telling me to step out on faith and dance again or what, but I know I want to dance. Not sure if he will have me dance at that church or another, but I do know that the Lord will provide the dance! I know he will provide the venue. Lastly, I know it will be in his timing that all these things come to past. So with that, I put aside my fear and wait on the Lord because I know he is Already here!!!


  1. Yes, The Lord ALWAYS Provides!

    Yeah, we go so bombarded with the world's message to "stand on your own two feet", "be Independent", and "you can DO IT" that we forget who is really in charge, and ultimatley spin out of control.

    Fear is such an ugly thing. While it keeps us grounded in some ways (the fear of being burned keeps us away from fire, etc.) if, left alone it can paralize us, and keep us from fulfilling whatever purpose God has for us.

    Dawn, DANCE! Dance for the Lord! nevermind what everyone else may be thinking, seeing or even saying... your testimony through dance may inspire someone else to share their talents with the World.

    The lord is the only audience you should strive to please.

    Dawn, always remember that GOD is in control, and his will will be done.

  2. God may be working something out..
    Get the dance together ASAP and let me see it. I may need you to dance somewhere next month!
    4 REAL!
