Sunday, February 28, 2010


So as I was finishing up a test, I was thinking what was I so fearful of? Did I not study as hard as I should to cause me to have such strong anxiety? Or was it the unknown of how I would do on this test? In our everyday life, a lot of things transpire through our mind and we worry about things we should not be concern with. So I pose a question, is fear a state of mind? I know that God didn't give us the spirit of fear, but yet we posses it. Why? Sin? I would believe so. How can we counter our everyday fears? Or is fear and anxiety two different things? I was just wondering what other people thoughts are about this.


  1. I came across this devotional and thought it may be appropriate for you. It's not necessarily on fear, but stress and fear are all in the same boat:

    "God Knows What Gets You Stressed"

    Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8 (NIV)

    "Prayer is never giving information to God. He already knows what's going on in your life. "

    God knows everything that gets you stressed. For instance, many of us today are concerned about the economy, and so we have financial fears.

    And then we act as if God is unaware of our bills? "Don't you see, God? I'm going under! I'm not going to make it!" We're trying to stretch and make ends meet. We get uptight, upset, and we worry. But worry is the result of not realizing the omniscience of God.

    When we think that God doesn't know what's going on in our lives, then we think we have to take matters into our own hands. In effect, we're saying, "I'll be God." Worrying is taking responsibility for things God never intended you to have.

    The truth is God is aware of all your needs. He's aware of every single need you have: financial needs, spiritual needs, sexual needs, social needs, emotional needs. In fact, the Bible says God knows what you need before you ask. Prayer is never giving information to God. He already knows what's going on in your life.

    What's the use of praying, then? God's waiting for you to ask Him for help. The Bible says, "You have not because you ask not."

    In conclusion, fear, worry, stress are all learned behaviors. Notice how children, especially infants and toddlers don't possess these qualities. These are learned through our upbringing, teachings and society. As Christians we have to daily put off the former man, and that includes qualities that don't exemplify Christ. So, although they are very real qualities, they really don't line up with how God wants us to be. That's why there are many verses telling us not to be anxious and the like.

  2. thank you Tynisha.. this was very encouraging. I am looking forward to spending more of my time asking God for help.. Side bar- did you know Hosanna means God save us or help us..
